JFKHS PTSA Updates: What’s New and What’s Next for 01/16/2025
Hi Kennedy Community,
I hope that everyone’s new year is off to a good start. Even though it’s the beginning of the new year, we’re actually approaching the end of the second marking period and the end of the first semester. We have about a week and a half left as the marking period closes on Tuesday, Jan. 28. Make sure you’re looking at ParentVUE to see which assignments are still outstanding and that your student is aware of the days and times that their teachers will accept assignments before the marking period and semester closes, as final grades need to be inputted by Wednesday, Jan. 29.
Here are a few quick updates and news items for us all to stay alert and informed.

The PTSA now has an Instagram account. You can follow us at https://www.instagram.com/jfkhsmdptsa. Please follow this page to keep up with news, information and resources on all things pertaining to John F. Kennedy High School. We hope that this additional outreach channel will strengthen your ties to our organization and mission.
General Fundraiser Has Wrapped
Unfortunately, we did not hit or come close to hitting our goal for the general fundraiser. But we did raise over $1,000 and I do want to thank those who did contribute, especially several generous alumni who helped us get over the $1,000 mark. We will have other fundraising opportunities in the future, so hopefully we can get more support in future fundraisers.
FUNDRAISER LINK: https://www.paypal.com/donate?campaign_id=J9WB7YK8ZYSGC
Jan. PTSA Meeting Next Tuesday at 6:30 pm
Please join us for our next PTSA meeting on Jan. 21 at 6:30 pm in the Media Center and on Zoom. We will provide updates from school administration, program and services opportunities and an update for senior parents on what to expect since the first semester is behind us and graduation is quickly upon us.
Summer Marine Biology Week + Terps Young Scholars
Even though it’s January and there’s still snow on the ground, now is the time you want to be thinking about summer programs and opportunities for your high school student. We have two great ones that have been shared directly with the PTSA that I want to highlight:
Summer Marine Biology Week: Students in 11th grade who are interested in marine biology should check out this fantastic program, which offers a weeklong, hands-on, immersive learning experience at Forfar Field Station in the Bahamas. The deadline to apply for this program is Feb. 21, so move quickly. You can view more information and sign up here: https://www.intlfieldstudies.org/smbw. And here’s a comprehensive review for those who want more information.
Terps Young Scholars: The University of Maryland has a fantastic summer pre-college program that is available to Kennedy families. A rep from the program presented about the program at our November PTSA meeting. You can review the slides from that meeting here. The application for this program is now live: https://exst.umd.edu/pre-college-programs/terp-young-scholars/courses Applications are reviewed on a first come, first serve basis and interested students are encouraged to apply sooner rather than later, as certain courses fill up quickly. The deadline for application submissions is June 1st, 2025 and all applicants must have an unweighted GPA of at least 3.0. Additional information on the Terps Young Scholars Program can be found in the attached flyer.
Councilmember Fani-Gonzalez SSL Opportunity this Saturday
The Councilmember for our district, Councilmember Natali Fani-Gonzalez is offering an SSL opportunity for middle and high school students. Information on this opportunity is available from the message from the councilmember below:
I wanted to share a unique opportunity for middle and high school students to explore the vital world of fire and rescue operations in Montgomery County. Together with the Wheaton Volunteer Rescue Squad, I am hosting a unique day of engagement and camaraderie on Saturday, January 18. This exciting opportunity allows students to earn Student Service Learning (SSL) hours while gaining firsthand knowledge about station maintenance, life-saving techniques, and the critical role firefighters play in protecting our community. The day will conclude with a shared lunch between students and firefighters. Don’t miss this incredible experience!
Date: Saturday, January 18, 2025
Time: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Location: Wheaton Volunteer Rescue Squad, 2400 Arcola Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20902
RSVP by Thursday to Councilmember.Fani-Gonzalez@montgomerycountymd.gov
MCPS Budget Season is Happening
Right now, Superintendent Taylor and the MCPS Board of Education are in the midst of the budgeting process for next year. If you missed it, Dr. Taylor’s budget presentation can be viewed on YouTube here. Or, if you just want the highlights, Bethesda Today has a good recap of what has been proposed.
This week, the first of three scheduled budgeting work sessions happened at the BOE. You can view the session at your leisure here.
If you’re interested in testifying or just keeping up with the budgeting process, here are other important dates to keep an eye on:
- Jan. 16 2025: Operating Budget Hearing #1
- Jan. 23 2025: Operating Budget Work Session #2
- Jan. 27 2025: Operating Budget Hearing #2
- Jan. 30 2025: Operating Budget Work Session #3 (tentative)
- Feb. 4 2025: Board of Education Business Meeting with Tentative Adoption of FY 2026 Operating Budget
- Feb. 28 2025: Board transmits Tentatively Adopted FY 2026 Operating Budget to County Executive and County Council
More details on the budget can be found on MCPS’s website. If you have thoughts, concerns or ideas relating to the budget, please reach out so we can help make sure your voice is heard.
Next SSIT Meeting on Jan. 29
Our next Safety and Security Impact Team (SSIT) meeting will be on Jan. 29 at 5:30 pm. If you are interested in attending or raising topics for us to discuss in the next SSIT, please reach out and we can add you or make sure your concerns are addressed.
Ricky Ribeiro, John F. Kennedy HS PTSA President